Asian-Pacific-Islander Symposium on KINK
ASK 2024
Trans/a-typical, re/de-structure
Transcending typical constraints, exploring atypical land; restructuring existing structures, deconstructing unfitting chain
2024.07.27 (六) - 2024.07.28 (日)
東吳大學城中校區作楠廳 台北,台灣
作楠廳, Downtown Campus of Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan
背景與目的 Background and objectives
BDSM 或禁羈 (kink) 泛指佔據一個廣泛光譜的非典型性實踐,其共同特徵為將一般情境下被認為負面或無性的情緒、情境、感官感受、或對象予以情慾化,轉化為可享受的體驗。在歐美,以禁羈作為主題或素材的學術研究在近數十年有可觀的成長。近年來,亞洲禁羈社群已有長足發展,禁羈相關符碼時常進入大眾視野,也衍生出種種值得討論、分析的議題。在此趨勢之下,建立一個讓有意進行禁羈相關研究的學者可彼此交流的平台也逐漸有其必要性。
BDSM, or kink, comprises a broad spectrum of atypical practices in which emotions, situations, sensations, or objects usually considered negative or asexual are eroticized and turned into enjoyable experiences. Western academic research of kink has grown considerably in recent decades. Meanwhile, the substantial development of Asian kink communities in recent years has brought kink-related symbols frequently into public view and raised various issues worthy of discussion and analysis. This trend necessitates a platform of exchange for kink-related researchers.
The Asian-Pacific-Islander Symposium on Kink (ASK) is an academic conference situated in Asia. It aims to support kink-related researchers to connect, discuss, and interact with each other, enhancing the depth and diversity of kink as a topic of academic study; bridge local kink communities with academia, facilitating their mutually beneficial cooperation; assemble local kink practitioners, critiquing communal evolution and surrounding trends in thought and dialogue, tethering communal developments to social events.
Follow us on the following social media platforms for the latest updates
研討會議程概覽 Agenda Overview
All times mentioned on this webpage are based on Taiwan Time (TWT)
Please click the button below to view the full agenda
報名資訊 Registration Information
一般票 General Attendee
The fee includes access to the symposium on both July 27 and July 28, as well as a lunchbox on July 27.
原價 Regular:新台幣1200元整 NTD 1200
早鳥價 Early Bird:新台幣840元整 NTD 840
學生票 Student Attendee
The fee includes access to the symposium on both July 27 and July 28, as well as a lunchbox on July 27.
原價 Regular:新台幣500元整 NTD 500
早鳥價 Early Bird:新台幣350元整 NTD 350
For those registering as students, please provide a current enrollment document or a valid student ID with the current semester's registration stamp at the front on the day of the event. Generally, we verify the student ID by comparing the photo. If there is a significant difference in appearance, you can provide your real name to help us quickly identify you and expedite the process.
報名時間 Registration Period
即日起 至 2024年7月22日(一)23:59 止 From now until July 22, 2024 (Monday) 23:59 (GMT+8)
「早鳥價」時間:即日起至2024年6月30日(日)23:59 止,敬請把握時間! Early Bird Registration: From now until June 30, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59 (GMT+8).
交流派對 After Party Fee
單一票價 Price:新台幣800元整 NTD 800
派對時間 Time:臺灣時間 2024/7/27(六)18:00-22:00
地點 Location:寓見青旅 台北市萬華區昆明街316號 [Google Map]
特殊需求 Special Needs
For partners with disabilities who have special seating needs, please feel free to email us or message us on social media regarding seating arrangements. We will do our best to provide assistance.
【2024禁羈月】Google日曆 Kink Month GooglE Calendar
我們將2024年 7月 設定為【2024禁羈月】,想邀請同為禁羈社群一份子的夥伴舉辦本研討會的聯名活動,共襄盛舉 ! 聯名活動形式不拘,只要辦理在「2024年7月」且符合以下其中之一條件,皆可填寫表單,申請成為本研討會之聯名活動:
活動名稱或內容與本研討會有關,如「禁羈研討會議程相關主題聊天會」、「禁羈月派對」(dress code可以包含問號、彩虹或kink元素)等,歡迎發揮創意!
邀請本研討會合辦活動,或贊助我們活動場地(如有任何想法,歡迎與我們聯繫 bdsmaskorg@gmail.com)。
We declare July 2024 to be Kink Month, we would like to invite partners from the community to organize collaborative events in celebration of this symposium! There are no specific restrictions on the format of the events. As long as the event takes place in July 2024 and meets one of the following criteria, you may fill out the application form to apply for inclusion as a collaborative event of this symposium.
The event name or content is related to this symposium, such as "Discussion Sessions on Symposium Topics," or "Kinky Month Party" (dress code can include question marks, rainbows, or kink elements). Feel free to be creative!
The event offers discounts, gifts, or coupons to those who have registered for the "First Asian-Pacific-Islander Symposium on KINK "
Inviting this symposium to collaborate with the event or sponsoring our event venues (if you have any ideas, please contact us at bdsmaskorg@gmail.com).
Once confirmed, your event will be added to the series of events on Google Calendar. Interested partners are also welcome to open the Google Calendar link on a computer to add the event information to your calendar.